Smartsort V-type InGaAs Optical Sorters

The SmartSort InGaAs V-type sorters are devices equipped with all the peak technological advances in every aspect of their design. The ground-breaking InGaAs technology complements the V-type device, which, in itself, is capable of detecting the smallest visible defects with the ability to detect defects in material or impurities invisible to the human eye by our fourth generation colour.

No restrictions

The InGaAs near-infrared camera technology complementing the fourth generation Cloud colour cameras with an unprecedented resolution makes it possible not only to identify and remove loose colour defects from loose assortments too small for other devices, but also otherwise undetectable impurities in the color of good material, even occurring in the assortment of the smallest fractions. Due to this, V-type InGaAs devices achieve almost a hundred percent assortment purity – including separation of foreign bodies not differing in colour from good assortment, thus practically eliminating the restrictions on applications in bulk materials.

Exceeding world standards

The combination of infrared cameras and Cloud cameras working in the visible light spectrum in the InGaAs V-type SmartSort optical sorter delivers sorting performance and quality unprecedented on a global scale. This first-class sensing system works with high-performance solenoid pneumatic valves and a nozzle matrix thanks to the integrated chip system with supercomputing power designed specifically for operation with the EagleEye software. Thanks to the use of only proprietary elements, the ideal synergic interaction of the various subsystems results in minimal loss and maximum quality even with such difficult sorting issues which the InGaAs V-type SmartSort is designed for.

High flexibility

Despite the increased sophistication of the solutions, the SmartSort V-type InGaAs optical sorters are characterized by the same ease and convenience of operation as all other SmartSort devices. The ability to control the device not only via the operator panel but also via the Internet from phones and other mobile devices, or on a computer screen, allows one to monitor and control sorting processes from virtually any place in the world. In addition, the SmartSort V-type InGaAs device is available in a wide range of volumes in any 1 to 10 line layout.